133tTECH Search

Reenable task manager


Nowadays a lot of viruses are intended to disable task manager because using it we can close the virus process. To enable back task manager is easy; just follow the few steps below:

  1. Click Start>Run>Type Regedit>OK
  2. Go to the following key:
  3. At the right pane, look for the value DisableTaskMgr.
  4. After that right click and delete it.
  5. And also go to the following key:
  6. At the right pane, look for the value DisableTaskMgr.
  7. After that right click and delete it.
  8. Close the Regedit
  9. Task manager will enable instantly. If not happen, you must restart your computer.

If you like this post please contributes by sending a comment.


Remove private information in index.dat files


Nowadays, we are using computers for everything in our life such as researching, socialize, banking, shopping and communicating. It is important for us to prevent our information from being stolen by others. For examples are our email account, Myspace, Friendster, etc. Even your data is not considered as private you probably don’t want someone to use it as platform to attack other persons.

So what have people already doing to prevent their information from being stolen by other? Some of us are using firewall to prevent outsider from attending to their system without permission, internet security application also to prevent hacker to access their system and antivirus to prevent malicious application to steal their information. Is it what they already doing is enough? No.

What I want to share here today is only for Internet Explorer users. Maybe some of you already knew that within Internet Explorer have files named index.dat. So what are the index.dat files? Index.dat are hidden files that contain all tracks of ours online activity, what you surfing, list of URLs, recently accessed documents, etc. That files are potential to be privacy threat for us as it can be viewed without being noticed.

According to Micr$s$ft, those files are used to cache visited web sites and in the mean time to speed up the Internet Explorer. Only they knew it for sure. Actually, what the true about index.dat are hidden files that do not contain an actual web cache other than information’s about your daily surfing habits.It also cannot be deleted in any regular ways and there is no absolute prove that those files in any way can speed up your surfing experience.

So there is any way for us to rid them safely? Yes sure! All you need is to install Index.dat Analyzer. After that, choose any of three categories from the pull down menu: History, Cookies or Cache. Then mark the check-boxes for the entries you want to delete and press “Delete Checked Items” button. You also can use a filter button to help you find what you really looking for.

index.dat remover
Index.dat Analyzer screenshot

If you find this information is useful, please do me a favor by sending me constructive comments.


Enable regedit


What is regedit?

The Regedit is a directory which stores settings and options for the operating system for Microsoft Windows 32-bit versions, 64-bit versions, and Windows Mobile. It contains information and settings for all the hardware, operating system software, most non-operating system software, users, preferences of the PC, etc. Whenever a user makes changes to Control Panel settings, file associations, system policies, or most installed software, the changes are reflected and stored in the registry.

How to enable regedit?

Nowadays a lot of viruses are intended to disable regedit because using regedit we can delete the virus registry and disable it from running at startup. To enable back regedit is easy, just put the command below in window run dialog box. The steps are like below:

  1. The command is: 
    REG add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableRegistryTools /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
  2. Start>run>paste command>Enter

See picture below:
enable regedit


Suggestion for my blog


I’m here to ask any suggestion from you, my visitors. Below are my questionnaires:

  1. I’m using free template and it used a lot of images. It also have images hosting at photobucket.com. My question is, is it my blog took time to load and what a suggestion to make my blog load faster? Is it any photo hosting that offer faster loading?
  2. Is it my blog look mess, in term of content, color choosing, advertisement, and widget?
  3. Is it my information useful and functioning?

Any suggestion will be appreciate. Thank you.


Blogging tools and services


Every blogger have their own choice of blogging tools and services. These tools will make blogging easier and convenient. I also have my own choices and below am the list.

Blogging Editor:
ScribeFire – firefox addons

Google Analytic

Sourcing Tool:
Google Reader – web based feed reader to keep up with blog and news
Stumble Upon – Provide web sites based on our interests

Other Tools:
Flock - A browser that enables sharing and blogging from within it.
Firefox - A browser that support a lot of blogging tools such as Stumble upon and ScribeFire
Creative Common – copyright protection
Feedburner – RSS tools
Photobucket - hosting picture

So, what are your blogging tools? If anyone found out a good and useful blogging tool please share it with me.


How to remove blogger navbar


To edit template, go to Layout->Edit html.
Below is the code:

#navbar-iframe {
display: none !important;

Paste code above in your edit template area like below:

Blogger Template Style
Name: Minima
Designer: Douglas Bowman
URL: www.stopdesign.com
Date: 26 Feb 2004
Updated by: Blogger Team
----------------------------------------------- */

#navbar-iframe {
display: none !important;

/* Variable definitions

remove blogger navbar
Blogger navbar screenshot


Don't use internet explorer


Today i will posting the sort post about internet explorer. Tonight i'll go back to my town (hard to find internet connection) and couldn't blogging for 5 days. I just give the link here.

So i recommend all user please switch your internet browser into another browser such as Firefox (very recommend) or opera (not bad). Chrome is also recommended but they also being reported have security problem. So just download internet browser below:

Mozilla 3
Mozilla 3.1 beta 2
Opera 9.63


Hide any file into a single image


Today I want to show you how to hide any file into a single image file. So, how to do that trick? Firstly you must prepare any files (example:*.txt, *.doc, *.mp3 ect.) that you want to hide and also an image that you can hide file in it.

Below is the example of how the file should look like:

So now we have the ingredients and what is the tool? All you need is only a command prompt and a compressing software such as Winrar (trial) and 7-zip (open source). Before we merge the files we should compress the files that we need to hide (in my case here secret.txt). The files should look like below:

Note: you can just delete the secret.txt because we don’t need it in next step

Now you already have compress files (content secret.txt) and googlelogo.jgp. What we gone to do here is to emerge the files using command prompt. To open the command prompt, go to start->run, type cmd, and enter.

You need to make sure the path in the command prompt is same with the targeted folder. In this case the targeted folder is “C:\Documents and Settings\unik1337\Desktop\hidden” (unik1337 should be your username). The command prompt should look like below:

Note: I use command “cd” to go from folder to another folder

I assume you already knew a basic prompt command. After a prompt path is already same with a targeted folder, now we move on to last command and the command is “copy /B googlelogo.jpg + secret.rar last.jpg” (you can rename last.jpg to whatever you need but must be *.jpg). The files should look like below:

Note: last.jpg is content the secret.rar file

We already hide the secret.txt into googlelogo.jpg and now, how we want to access back the secret.txt file? All you need is to open it using compressing tools. Picture below show you the way:

And picture below show you that last.jpg cannot be extract by right click.

I hope you’ll understand because it’s really hard for me to explain.


My first blogging tips for beginner


This is my first blogging tips after about 2 weeks I become a fresh blogger. Although I think I’m not worthy enough to tell everyone how to blog but I really wanted to share what I’ve already doing in journey to become a real blogger (someday). Anyway, this is not really my blogging tips. What I want to share here is actually the tips that according to what I’ve already applied from other top bloggers.

One of my favorite top blogger is Yaro Starak with his very famous "Roadmap to become a blogger" book. I already read his free "Roadmap to become a blogger for beginner" (but still not finish yet) and personally I think his ideas are interesting and really inspire me. So what he tell in his book and what I’ve already followed? He made a simple but effective milestones for beginner blogger that I think everyone who want to be a blogger must follow his milestones. Below are his milestones and what I already doing:

Milestone 1: Discover your passion

To become a blogger, firstly we must know what we like to write. Before I’m reading Yaro's guide, I’m struggling to find an idea to post on my blog. After I answer a few of question about what I’m passion with and now I knew what I really wanted to post and share. Below is among of the questions:

  • First question that you must ask yourself is what does people say that you’re naturally good at? 
And my answer for this question is computer, internet and football.

  • Second question is what things, when you do them, you totally lose track of time, and before you know it, a few hours have gone past without you even realizing it? 
And my answers are surfing internet, playing computer game, playing football, hacking, and earning money.

  • Third question is what kind of topics does you like researching or finding out about more, without being forced to do it? 
And my answers are about computers, new technology, internet (Google, Firefox), and others IT stuff.

  • Fourth question is what topics can you talk to someone else about for hours on end without getting tired or bored of it? 
And my answers are must be computers, internet, technology, football, and others IT thing.

There are actually a lot more question that we must ask our self but this is enough to find what we really love. Average of my answers is about computers and internet. Yup, it’s really what I’m passion with.

Milestone 2: Discover the need

This milestone maybe will be hard for most people because it involves with others. After obtain a deep understanding of Yaro’s information, we certainly need to figure out where we can provide the most value in our area of interest. Is it our interest really able to provide the highest level of value by solving other people’s needs, wants, problems and frustrations?

If yes then you will success. So how we can find the people’s needs, wants, problems and frustrations? In this digital world now this question is easy to be answered. All we need is to enter the forum that related to our interest. So, how can we find the forum according our interest? The answer is, ask google (example: computer forum).

So what I’ve discovered is people want a solution for removing a virus, computer’s tip and tricks, speeding the internet surfing, tweaking windows xp, programming, new and best software, earning money and lot more.

Milestone 3: Test the market

After you find what the people’s needs, wants, problems, and frustrations and now you need to find the answer for it. You must write a good article and should solve the people’s need. After that reply in forum and tell them that you have a solution in your blog for what they need. If this successful, you now can move forward to milestone 4 (focus your effort) and 5 (start making money). I still in testing market process and it am too early for me to go to next milestones. If you not success in testing the market with what you discovered in milestones 2 you must go back to milestone 2 and find what people really need.

If you want to have full Yaro’s guidebook just go to this link. If you don't want to go through sticky step, here is direct link. I also here to suggest you to buy his premium guidebook (even I don’t have one yet).

Recommend book:


Google's Chrome is the fastest web browser


After 100 day of its debut, Google's Chrome now is out of beta. I think it's to early for Chrome to be full version. But according to them, Chrome is already meet the stability and performance goals. Big thanks to all user around the world that send error report to them. I'm also one of the million peoples around the world that tested the Chrome beta. It's normal for new application to be tested to make it perfect.

Although it just beta version but it already make me impressed. It's being 3 days i'm using Chrome full version and i think i'm satisfied with it but it still long way to go. Actually i'm fan of Firefox and being using Firefox for 4 years. If Google's Chrome have a lot of add ons like Firefox had, immediately i'll make it as my default browser(currently Firefox).

As like my posting title, i'm not make my own fact. Extremetech already conducted a test of each of the web browser to compare their speed and performance. According to their test, Chrome is the Speed King. Below is the result:

  • Google Chrome—30 points
  • Mozilla Firefox—20 points
  • Opera—10 points
  • Did not place: IE7 (Haha, no need to campare with this "Internet Expired"), Safari

Here is the full benchmark testing made by Extremetech.
Download Google's Chrome Here


Using google to answer everything even a blank question


You already knew that Google is powerful search engine today. But, are you applied all the google's search keys in your searching routine? If not, start discover it now! What i want to show you here is how google can answer your unsure or blank question. Only by using * key (asterisk key) to fill the blank question and google will suggest a lot of question that maybe will meet what you need. Below is the example how to use the command:

Click or copy paste command below to the google search to see what the results.
How to make money *

To see a different between use and not use this key, see the link below:

Use * key
how to make *
how to * adsense

Not use * key
how to make
how to adsense

Actually, this key not limited for searching a blank question. You can use this key to whatever unsure keyword. Maybe the sentence below will explain you everything.

do as * say not as * do

To learn more about google advance operator and google key i recommend you to buy a book below:


Using google to search files by extension


Previous post i showed you how to use google operator to view a public webcam. Now another useful command i'll show you but it is for searching files by extension. What it is extension? Usually, extension is the substring which follows the last occurrence, if any, of the dot character (e.g. txt is the extension of the filename readme.txt, html the extension of mysite.index.html, pdf is the extension of the filename readme.pdf).

Enough explanation, i think i just move forward to the command. The command we'll use here is "filetype" and "ext" without quote(both command will give you the same result). Below is the example:

Replace note with your filename!

Search Adobe pdf files.
note filetype:pdf

Search Microsoft Powerpoint files.
note filetype:ptt

Search Microsoft Word files.
note filetype:doc

You can use this command to search others format such as mp3, mp4, 3gp, and so on.
To use "ext" command, just replace it with "filetype"(example: note ext:pdf).

To learn more about google advance operator and google key i recommend you to buy a book below:


Work in the Googleplex


A word "work" here is not fit with the Googleplex and maybe we should use a word "life". Why? Here are the some photos that showed a life in the Googleplex.

Is it a Workplace or a workshop?

Experts ready 24 hours.

Do you think this is your home buddy!

Who is scribbling that board?

Googlers are shooting pool while taking a break.

Wow, even have a girl to cut your hair!

You think this is family day. Not!!!!

Free healthy food for googlers.

Googler's children is playing toy at the Googleplex.

Is it the right time to get massage? It is ok in the Googleplex

Dogs allowed.

The Googleplex is the corporate headquarters complex of Google, Inc.
A person who uses Google's features very efficiently, Fan of Google, An expert online searcher, but here Googler is a full-time Google employee.

Pictures are taken from www.time.com


Using google advance operator to view public webcam


Google is the most powerful search engine in the planet. Even Yahoo, google close competitor is using google's search engine technology. For common users, google is nothing more then just for searching standard informations by using simple keywords (average keyword is two until five keyword). For advance users, google will be one of powerful tool for hacking and searching deep informations.
Imagine, using google you can searching database record such as username, password and basic information. Using google you can also decrypt the encrypted password. What i want to share here is how to use google advance operator to view public webcam. Google operators we will use here are inurl, intitle, allintitle, site and intext. Copy and paste command or click the link below to see the results.

inurl:axis-cgi/mjpg (motion-JPEG)
inurl:indexFrame.shtml Axis

intitle:”Live View / - AXIS” | inurl:view/view.shtml^
intitle:”live view” intitle:axis
intitle:”Live NetSnap Cam-Server feed”
intitle:”Live View / - AXIS”
intitle:”Live View / - AXIS 206M”
intitle:”Live View / - AXIS 206W”
intitle:”Live View / - AXIS 210″
intitle:”WJ-NT104 Main Page”
intitle:”sony network camera snc-p1″
intitle:”sony network camera snc-m1″
intitle:”Toshiba Network Camera” user login
intitle:”netcam live image”
intitle:”i-Catcher Console - Web Monitor”

allintitle:”Network Camera NetworkCamera”

site:.viewnetcam.com -www.viewnetcam.com

intitle:axis intitle:”video server”
intitle:liveapplet inurl:LvAppl
intitle:”EvoCam” inurl:”webcam.html”
intitle:start inurl:cgistart
intext:”MOBOTIX M1″ intext:”Open Menu”
intext:”MOBOTIX M10″ intext:”Open Menu”
intext:”MOBOTIX D10″ intext:”Open Menu”
intitle:snc-z20 inurl:home/
intitle:snc-cs3 inurl:home/
intitle:snc-rz30 inurl:home/

To learn more about google advance operator and google key i recommend you to buy a book below:


Old Stupidities


Tech support: "What Operating System are you running?"
Customer: "????"
Tech support: "Do you have a Mac or a PC?"
Customer: "Um, I don't know."
Tech support: "OK. What does the screen look like?"
Customer: "It's yellow."
Tech support: "OK. What does it say on the computer CPU?"
Customer: "What's that?"
Tech support: "The big grey box."
Customer: "It doesn't say anything."
Tech support: "Never mind that...do you have a little 'Start' button at the bottom of the monitor?"
Customer: "Monitor?"
Tech support: "The thing that looks like a TV screen sitting on the grey box."
Customer: "Oh! That! No. No start button."
Tech support: "OK. Is there a little apple symbol anywhere on the screen?"
Customer: (very puzzled) "Why would I have fruit on my computer?"

At least three people from our company have come to me panicked, almost crying. They all say, "I think I just erased a program!! Help!!" In reality, it turns out they just minimized the window. When I open it again, they gasp, "What did you DO?!?!?"

Abu: "What's your operating system?"
Me: "Linux."
Abu: "You better uninstall it!"
Me: "Why?"
Abu: "The government uses Linux to look through your computer and see your every move. They use it as a security camera into your world."
Me: "Sure...."

all credits goes to www.rinkworks.com


How to install Clamwin Antivirus on your portable drive


Clamwin Antivirus is a popular portable antivirus on internet. Portable antivirus is important so that you can scan your files on every PC that does not have antivirus installed. You can put it on your USB flash drive, external hard drive, CD and any portable device that support window files. So how to make the Clamwin Antivirus works on your portable drive?

  1. First download Clamwin Antivirus at here
  2. Now you need to install it in your PC with Windows XP or latest Operating System.
  3. Copy the clamwin folder (unins000.exe and unins000.dat files are not needed) from “c:\program files\” (which is default installation folder) to your portable device.
  4. Copy this ClamWin.conf (right-click to Save) file to "clamwin\bin" folder on the portable drive (note Standalone=1 setting)
  5. Copy the db folder (content database files; main.cvd and daily.cvd) from your database directory on the host PC (default location is "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\.clamwin\") to the "clamwin " folder on the portable drive.

Your files will look like below:

clamwin portable

Now you can run the antivirus from your portable drive.

I'm also to suggest Antivirus below: