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Work in the Googleplex

A word "work" here is not fit with the Googleplex and maybe we should use a word "life". Why? Here are the some photos that showed a life in the Googleplex.

Is it a Workplace or a workshop?

Experts ready 24 hours.

Do you think this is your home buddy!

Who is scribbling that board?

Googlers are shooting pool while taking a break.

Wow, even have a girl to cut your hair!

You think this is family day. Not!!!!

Free healthy food for googlers.

Googler's children is playing toy at the Googleplex.

Is it the right time to get massage? It is ok in the Googleplex

Dogs allowed.

The Googleplex is the corporate headquarters complex of Google, Inc.
A person who uses Google's features very efficiently, Fan of Google, An expert online searcher, but here Googler is a full-time Google employee.

Pictures are taken from www.time.com