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Force to show hidden files using regedit

Why to do this?

Because I’ve experienced with the situation my computer cannot show the hidden files even I already enabled the option. When I tried to enable it using folder option it not happen but what happen is the option back to the original (not show hidden files). This is happened because my computer was affected by viruses that the antivirus cannot detect it (You know, antivirus nowadays!!). Did you experience kind of situation too?

So, how to force show hidden files using regedit?

  1. As usual open regedit by go to start -> run -> type regedit-> and enter.
  2. Then go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced
  3. After that you need to find and set Hidden and ShowSuperHidden to 0 (zero)
  4. Close and restart the pc if needed!

If anyone found out this trick is not working, please don’t hesitate to tell me!