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Tumblr, another way to share thought

Hurm, how i suppose to start this. Actually, today I'm registered with tumblr after i read a posting at Johncow blog. He gave a very nice tips about how to drive traffic to your blog without depend on Google's traffic and using tumblr is one of his tips.

If blog is like a journal then tumblr is like scrapbook that you can create a fast post to share your thought, images, and audio. Unlike Twitter, Tumblr is more robust because it offer sharing picture, videos, links, quotes, short snippets of text and others. It is so easy to setup and use. But what I hate is, when I found out that it spelled my Capital with wrong letter. It should be Kuala Lumpur not Kuala Lumpar (Hehe).

I just give it a try and why dont you also give it a try and my thumblr id is besballbat.tumblr.com.